Illustrator/photographer. (Year). Title of image [Image]. Retrieval details.
UBC Library. (2008). Study group at UBC Library [Image].
Nucleus Medical Media. (2009). Anatomy of the heart [Image].
Note: If the image is retrieved from a database, provide the database provider's homepage.
Include the retrieval date if the images is likely to change or be removed.
You do not need to provide a reference/copyright attribution of the image and it does not need to be referenced in-text or in the reference list.
What is required is figure label (in bold) and the figure title (in italics) with (own photo) as part of the figure title above the figure
Figure 1.
Reyne the dog (own photo).
Please note any copyright permissions - if in doubt, contact the copyright owner.
Study group at UBC Library (UBC Library, 2008).
Note: For PowerPoint presentations and brochures, include under the image: Caption (Author, Year)