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Referencing Style Guide: Episode from a television series

Episode from a Television Series - Reference List

Moffat, S. (Writer), & Macdonald, H. (Director). (2007, June 9). Blink (Season 3, Episode 10) [TV series episode]. In R. T. Davies (Executive Producer), Doctor Who. BBC Studios.

Surname, A. B. (Writer), & Surname, A. B. (Director). (Year, month and day of release). Episode title in plain text (Season number, episode number) [TV series episode]. In A. B. Surname (Executive Producer), Series title in italics. Production Company.

Note:  Include writer(s) and the director for the episode. If no writer/director is listed, cite Executive Producer or other key creative in author position. 

Episode from a Television Series - In-Text Citation

In this episode, Moffat and Macdonald (2007)...



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