If you are including a figure or table in your assessment task that has been taken or copied from another source, this must be referenced.
Any type of illustration other than a table is called a figure. This can include graphs, charts, diagrams, mind-maps, and photographs.
A table contains data, typically numerical or statistical, presented across rows and columns.
Figures and tables should not be presented in colour - use greyscale
From “Therapeutic exercise: From theory to practice” (p. 439), by M. Higgins, 2011, F. A. Davis Company. Copyright 2011 by F. A. Davis Company.
Note: Only the article, book or website in which the graph, image, etc. appears is included in the reference list in the required format for that source.
Flamenco Dance
Figure 1. Charo Espino and her husband, Ángel Muñoz, in the Paco Peña Flamenco Dance Company.
Note. From “Flamenco rhythms drive Peña's troupe”, by K Campbell, 2009 (http://archive.boston.com/ae/theater_arts/articles/2009/10/06/flamenco_rhythms_drive_paco_peas_dance_troupe/). Copyright 2019 by Globe Newspaper Company.
For a webpage, the copyright year and date is usually at the bottom of the page.
For the figure in the PPT slide, the copyright information is at the bottom of the article: © 2009 Globe Newspaper Company. If the copyright information is not available, it can be omitted.
For both figures and tables, the label and title appear above the figure and table. The label is in bold and the title is in italics.
When referencing a figure that is not your own, provide a new caption labelled Note. below the table in smaller font (size 10) and include the following information: title of source, author(s), year, title of work, page number(s), DOI, copyright year by copyright author.
Figure 1.
Wide leg stretch exercise
Note. ...
Figure retrieved from a journal article
Note. From "Title of source inside quotation marks", by A. B. Surname, A. B. Surname, & A. B. Surname, year of publication, Title of work in italics, volume number(issue number), page number(s) (URL in brackets). Copyright information.
Figure retrieved from a book
Note. From Title of book: Subtitle (page number(s)), by A. B. Surname, year of publication. Publisher. Copyright information.
Figure retrieved from a website
Note. From "Title of source inside quotation marks", by A. B. Surname OR corporate body, year of publication, (URL in brackets). Copyright information.
As shown in Figure 1, the wide leg stretch...
... the wide leg stretch ... (see Figure 1).
All figures should be numbered consecutively with numerals in the order they are mentioned in the text. i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2 …