To find articles about coaching philosophies and style, from the library website, select Databases and eBooks, EBSCO SPORTDiscus and enter coach* select TI Title. The * ensures all variations of the word coach is retrieved - so words coach, coaches, coaching. Enter philosophy OR style, select TI Title. The OR ensures articles with coaching philosophy or coaching style will be retrieved. Search. Using the facets on the left, limit to Full Text.
Alternatively you may wish to search across all the library databases. From the library website, change the search box from Everything to Databases, and enter coaching philosophy style. Search. Using the facets on the right, limit by Full Text, date published, language etc.
Hudl video software - offers brief information on the Hudl Video Software for sports coaching from Agile Sports Technologies.
Hudl 100 - Influential coaches athletes and media
"Football" by Iforce is licenced under CC0 1.0
Best Documentary at the 2012 Academy Awards, details the volunteer coach's mission to help young NFL players beat the odds, both on and off the field.
"Midnight Swim" by mpardo.photo is licenced under CC0 1.0
Carlile was Shane Gould's swimming coach. Gould won 5 Olympic medals. In this interview Carlile reveals his coaching style.
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