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Health Promotion: GHS1301 Understanding Health

 GHS1301 - Understanding Health
Structured Essay Research Tutorial



1. Select 'Databases' from the first drop down menu and input the main subject of research: 

2. Follow with a selected Social Determinant:

3. Add some focused keywords associated with the social determinant:

Indigenous Austrailians
Aboriginal Australians
E.g. Income E.g. Economic Conditions
4. Click search then apply the following limiters: 5. Adjust the Date Published field to the last 5-10 years (always check with your lecturer): 6. Select 'Australia' in the Geography field as an additional limiter to narrow down to Australian Indigenous research:

7. Repeat this strategy with the chosen Social Determinants, Lifestyle Factors and Health Outcomes, using the keyword chart below for additional focused keywords. Make sure to apply the limiters above on each search.


Journal Articles
Online Resources

Health and wellbeing of Indigenous adolescents in Australia: A systematic synthesis of population data

The Social Determinants of Health: It's Time to Consider the Causes of the Causes

To what extent do Australian health policy documents address social determinants of health and health equity?

Did the food environment cause the obesity epidemic?

The Ottawa Charter 30 years on: Still an important standard for health promotion


Australia’s Health 2020: Data insights

Health and the environment: A compilation of evidence 

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013–2023

Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development

Universal Declaration of Human Rights




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